Monday, January 31, 2011

FX Networks - Justified - Full Episodes and Exclusive Video

FX Networks - Justified - Full Episodes and Exclusive Video

Justified on FX is the story of a federal marshal with a happy trigger finger who ends up shooting his way to a new assignment in his home in eastern Kentucky. Here he finds all kind of criminals and a past he would rather hide from then admit he was part of. The story is centered on Raylan Givens played by Timothy Olyphant, star of movies like "Hitman," "The Girl Next Door" and "Live Free or Die Hard." The show starts out with him shooting first and asking questions later. He even ends up fighting one of his good friends who is a neo-Nazi, some really good character development there. He and his friend grew up together and everyone in this town turns to crime sooner or later. We also find that his father is in jail, something Raylan tries to hide by ignoring it in the episodes I have seen. This show in my opinion tells a little bit about America and what it now wants for super macho shows. It is usually action-packed but does an alright job with the plot lines and the story behind this tough man from the back woods. Sometimes the dialogue can be really cliché as in most action shows or films. It’s my opinion that the show is an expression of America trying to get back to the time of spaghetti westerns. The show has those moments where the good guy says his line then blasts the living shit out of the supposed bad guy.  I can totally see a young Clint Eastwood right there in those scenes. Sometimes Raylan crosses the lines of moral behavior but the bad guys get killed and I for one love it. I feel that this show is saying something to people, telling them America still enjoys this style of entertainment, and that Americans are getting tired of political correctness. Americans want to see bad guys get shot, the good guy win, and for him to get the girl. It is for the blue collar workers and that’s why it is a success. A critic Mike Hale from the New York Times got it right when he said “ “ Justified” is in many ways an upgrade over what’s currently available; it’s “Burn Notice” with more soul.”

                I would recommend this show to anyone, it’s hilarious yet has serious soul.  It’s not something I plan my nights around just to catch every new episode, but if it’s on I’m watching. So go catch this shows it’s awesome. And hey who doesn’t like some sex and violence with a TV dinner? I am a fan on Facebook and its main website is pretty cool. The second season will be coming out soon, I for one need to catch up on all of season one before I can start season two. But it will be great fun to watch Raylan kick the crap out of the bad guys. Plus it’s a great story too.

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